Salvation is here!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hey everyone, welcome to my own blogsite!

I got this email today about how much time we spend thinking about God. We really don't spend enough time, thinking that it doesn't matter. It really made me think, that we should make time for Him. I know today's society can be demanding, and we think that God is the least of our problems. But when life is going well, we should be thanking God, because when it's going bad we turn to Him, yet not so much when it's going well. We need to somehow fit it into our days, just give our time to Him. Remember he is our creator, and one day we will have to answer to Him.I don't know what you think, what ways do you think we can incorporate God more into our lives? I often turn to music, specially on bus journeys to school and in the car, to help focus me. But I do find it hard in other situations, any help? Because I don't think there can be a wrong answer but maybe we can all help each other??

Anyway, I think that I'll try to keep my blogs updated, and maybe talk about current issues and stuff. By the way if any of you have heard Rebecca St. James' album, it's so great, if you haven't you've got to check it out!




  • Hey Julia!

    I'm glad you're going to be a faithful visitor to my blog, I will also go on yours! ;-) I would leave some blogs in German, but as you can imagine I'm not very good at it!

    Tom and everyone is well, him and Lewis have already gone back to school, so I don't think they were too happy about that! Especially when I don't go back until Tuesday!
    Hope your last few days of the holidays are good!


    By Blogger Luque, at 12:19 PM  

  • Very true. Its not always easy to incorporate God into our lives, but we do need to somehow try and do so, because the day will come when he asks us why we didnt.

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 10:25 AM  

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