Salvation is here!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thought this thought was really cool, it's from a calendar I got for Christmas and thought you'd all like it:

'Being successful and fulfilling your life's purpose are not at all the same issue! You could reach all your personal goals, becoming a raving success by the world's standard, and still miss the purposes for which God created you. You need more than self-help advice. The Bible says, 'Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self' (Matthew 16:25).'

Anyway I thought it was quite reflective and can teach us all.




  • Hi there. I would like to order 2 pizzas with ham and pineapple, 3 cans of coke, a lanky larry chew bar, and a side order of chicken wings with barbeque sauce. Please deliver to:
    Coleford road
    Forest of Dean.
    I expect my order to arrive by 10pm tonight.
    Mr. Mustafa Selabakrimihammedrasha.

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 10:18 AM  

  • Really, I hope you're not expecting that in half an hour Skinner!

    Anyway, I don't like being back at school, I'd much rather still be at home. But hey!


    By Blogger Luque, at 10:22 AM  

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