Salvation is here!

Friday, February 24, 2006

We got so involved in the Winter Olympics at home, that we created our own curling pitch! Okay so it's not quite a proper ice one, it was our kitchen floor, but we still had the brush (our kitchen broom!!), the target, and some stones (well boules really!). The reason for this was that our team GB was doing really well in the curling, with our men's getting to the semi's, although sadly we lost. We were getting so into it, that we had to try it out! So come the next Olympics, watch out for me and my brother, we will be practicing! ;-)


  • Of course there's time to watch the Olympics! Well it depends how you much free time you have, I watched it because I was on holiday, and felt a bit lazy ;-)

    Anyway curling is fun, well our version is! I do admit it is a bit crazy, but it is fun!


    By Blogger Luque, at 8:02 PM  

  • Hi Luke

    I like the curling!!! Ive had an idea for the ice. You could put loads of fairy liquid on the floor and you would be able to get from one end to the other really quickly. Thinking about it though, it probably would not be a good idea as someone would get injured. Anyway, what event are you going to try next? - Skeleton down the hill? Speed skating round the lawn? Its good to have a bit of fun isnt it!!!

    Hope to see you soon.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:48 PM  

  • Hi Luke!!
    I also like this game. its so fun to watch it on tv... :D
    god bless

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:01 AM  

  • Hey Sarah!

    How are you? Im glad you like curling, it's fun to watch, but even better to play ;-) Well I sort of lied about the tv, it can be a bit boring sometimes, when the match lasts over 2 hours! But still....... ;-)

    Speak to you soon!

    By Blogger Luque, at 7:14 PM  

  • By the way Julia, it's okay i won't take you too seriously, school and other commitments are important too, and I know you can do jokes, like that blog on you and Selina being crazy and walking in the middle of the road...:-P But the Olympics were fun........;-)

    By Blogger Luque, at 7:15 PM  

  • I've never played it but if i had the possibility to i would.. but i'm sure i'll be really bad :D
    au revoir ( or should i say: au reƩcrire???)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:45 PM  

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