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Friday, February 10, 2006

St Valentine's Day!!

Well this day happens every year, and do you know what I never knew why! So I checked it out, and learnt the history behind it.

The actual history of Valentine's day is shrouded in mystery along with its patron saint. St Valentine's Day today contains vestiges from both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. The Catholic Church infact recognizes 3 saints by the name of Valentine.

One story is about Valentine who was a priest that served during the 3rd century in Rome. When Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than thos with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. Although when this was found out he was sentanced to death.

Valentine sent the first Valentine greeting, because when he was in jail he feel in love with a young girl, who was the jailer's daughter. Then just before he was put to death he wrote a letter to the girl and signed it 'From your Valentine'! So there you go!

Here's a really stupid fact too. Every year 192 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making it the second-most popular greeting card, only behind Christmas cards. And also nearly 60 % of all Valentine's Day cards are purchased in the six days prior to the day!!

Anyway thats enough of me being silly! Happy Valentine's Day next week, lol ;-) I still don't really understand why we celebrate it, when there's no proper story but hey! ;-)


  • Hey Julia

    I'm fine thanks! How are you doing? I know it is a bit of a stupid celebration, but Im sure partners like it! ;-)

    Everyone's okay, although it's really stupid my brothers and nearly all my friends are on holiday this week, but my school because it is in Wales isn't! So I have to go to school while they are at home :-( And then the week after when I'm on holiday they are all at school......!!

    But apart from that things are good ;-) I can't write much now, but I'll catch up with you latter!
    What have you been up to?


    By Blogger Luque, at 9:10 PM  

  • Hey Luke!!
    How are you?
    I have heard a story about the history of Valentines Day. I think I might have heard the story about the person in jail. Anyway, I hope you ae enjoying being at school when I am on half-term! (Sorry for rubbing it in, he! he!)

    See you soon

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:28 PM  

  • Hey Howard!

    Im fine thanks! How are you? It's so not fair that you aren't at school?! I can't believe you're winding me up about it too ... ;-) See when I'm on holiday, no one is!

    What you doing this week? Hopefully see you on Sunday, and have a fun half term, and remember that I'm at school working hard (well meant to be!).


    By Blogger Luque, at 6:07 PM  

  • Heya Luke,
    I really should have posted here before. Cool St Valentines article!
    Oh well I'm sure this is the first of many!
    I eagerly await your next update!!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:50 PM  

  • Hey Smith,

    Im sorry you didnt get a card from your gran, I know how much you were looking forward to getting it! Valentine's day is way too commercial, just look at the shops today! Every rose, flower, card has been reduced to next to nothing, that shows how much of a rip off it is.


    By Blogger Luque, at 5:30 PM  

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