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Friday, February 10, 2006

Winter Olympics!

Well the winter Olympics start today in Turin! I just love sports so couldn't pass this event by without commenting. Britain's not even very good at winter sports, infact in the last games we won only one gold! But still we have a chance of doing better this time, well I hope....I also found out in the paper toady that it was the British who created most of the Olympic sports, such as down hill skiing, bobsleighing, figure skating, so it's quite ironic that we are one of the worst countries at it. I suppose we don't have any snow, ever, and the temperatures here are around 10 degrees, so very mild, while the rest of Europe is freezing.

I decided to show some pictures of some actual snow, and some possible future gold medalists at sledging! ;-) Also one picture was of the actual Olympic headquarters in Lausane where there is a really big Olmpic museum.


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