Salvation is here!

Friday, September 29, 2006

The painter, and the creator!

I came across this quote and really liked it so I'll share it:

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling 'darkness' on the wall of his cell..."

This was by C.S.Lewis, and it's so amazing isn't it. How great is God's glory, no one can lower it!!!

Anyway my week has been pretty good. I now have a job, with Howard!! Lol. We're working at my house doing painting and decorating, for my Father. I'm quite tired now, but it was fun. We got a lot of paint over us, and Howard was lucky not to get a roller on his head, it missed him by less than a metre! Also he had a pretty cool white streak in his hair yesterday ;-) But we're getting a lot done, today I was filling in walls, which was a good experience!

Anyway have a good weekend and week!
God bless you all!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Updating things

Hey everyone!

Sorry there's been nothing for ages. I know I am lazy! I just wanted to do a quick update on what is happening.

As some of you may know I'm having a gap year and I'm not going to Uni like I was originally going to. I'm now reapplying for next year through my school again, which is quite fun, well not really it's weird not being at school anymore. But they have been helpful.

In the meantime I'm doing tennis coaching voluntarily at Newport with kids with slight disablilities. It's really rewarding, and I really like the kids. I'm also learning German, well because I'm going to Germany now!! Well it's not definite as I haven't been accepted but I hope I will be. It's with a missions school in the Black Forest, so that's in the south west, if you're interested. Here they do outreach work with youth both in Germany and in Poland, mainly to people who haven't the gospel before. It sounds reallyt cool, and is an international organisation so there'll be people from all over the world there, and English will be the main langauge spoken. I still want to learn German though, as I think it will be useful. Also I will then hopefully do some travelling after the course and meet up with friends around Europe which will be cool!

It would be cool to catch up, I will write more now!!

Btw the pics are where I'd go in Germany for the missions school, and the map is a bit obvious!