Salvation is here!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Hey everyone!

This is quite a short post, as I haven't got much time! Got back safely from camp yesterday, and what a two weeks it was. It was so cool getting to know new people, and seeing people again from last year. I felt God really blessed us all there. Anyway I'm off to Soul Survivor tomorrow for the week, wooohooo! And then I'm in Cornwall, before the long trek to Cheltenham to Greenbelt (it's a joke, it's less than an hour away!). I included one pic from camp, more to follow. It would be really cool to hear from you all, I hope you all have great summers.

Be blessed


  • Heya!!
    How you doing?
    I'm glad you've had a cool holidays so far!!!
    I've just got back from soul survivor! It was amazin!!! You're going to have such a good time there!! You can really see God working in alot of different ways and in loads of people...soooo good!! Its really cool seeing his spirit work in people! Although i didn't really seem to be affected by it which I was really bothered by but then on the last day i was completely hit by the spirit and cried hysterically even though i wasn't in any way upset lol. It is really powerful and the worship is well good! So many people got healed! I expect this will all be the same for when you're there which is also really good!
    It was awesome at new wine too....was soo cool to know that you had a big part in helping children follow Jesus! I really enjoyed working with the children and helping their relationships with God grow! I then came home for 3 days and then went back up for soul survivor... which as i already said, was really good!!
    Anyways let me know how you found soul survivor! I'd love to know how it was different to when i was there! I wanted to stay another week but i'm off to the isle of wight on wednesday so you
    God bless you always.
    Take care of yourself, love Debz xxxxxxx
    p.s what camp are you staying on for SS? x

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:06 PM  

  • I can understand you Julia :D
    I miss camp too. It's sad that it's over :( But the next one is coming... in about 11 months...

    Bye then!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:14 PM  

  • Hey Debz!
    How are you?
    I'm fine, really tired from the last month or so, but it's been great. This is the first day we actually haven't had anything on for ages!!!!!
    Firstly we had my friends from Germany to stay, then we went to camp at LA for 2 weeks, as you can see by the pictures, and then SS, then Cornwall.....!!
    SS is so awesome, I can see why you really liked it. I wasn't really sure what to expect, on the first evening we came about 10 minutes before the first evening gathering, and we couldn't believe how packed it was. Me and Tom went to the frontish, well about 15 m back, because there was only the two of us. The music was awesome, Lex is such a great singer, and I think Tim Hughes is amazing too. Mike was very funny, and I enjoyed listening to him. Also we had Brother Andrew for the week, who is so inspirational, his talks were great. J Johns was very funny too. There were some cool bands there, we loved Onehundredhours, and the cafes were a nice side place to go to. Me and Lewis stayed in Dreggs a lot playing video games. Overall it was pretty cool. Seeing God work in over 10,000 people was unreal and the amount of people brought to Jesus and healed was so cool. I wasn't effected by the 'spirit' as in falling over, crying etc, but you could see God at work. Tom had an experience, lol, you should ask him about it if he hasn't told you!
    Hope you had fun in the Isle of Wight!
    Speak to you soon!

    By Blogger Luque, at 4:30 PM  

  • Hey Julia,

    I'm alright! How are you? How was your last week in England?
    SS was awesome, you really have to go next year!!! It's very very different to LA, but you'll love it. There's over 10,000 people there, most people being around our age, and everything is catered for the youth. We had Brother Andrew speaking, and Tim Hughes doing most of the worship. Anyway it is very cool, and if you want to ask me about anything to do with it do!! I'm doing a post with pics in a bit so look out for that!

    I miss camp a lot too, it's really weird not seeing people from there. I'm already really looking forward to next year. Also I'm now doing a gap year and I'm not going to University this year. Hopefully I will be able to do some missionary work in the UK, Romania or S America, but I'll have to see.

    Be blessed

    By Blogger Luque, at 4:34 PM  

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