Salvation is here!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Rebecca St. James in Cardiff!!!

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't put many posts on recently, I've been very busy with exams, and school is hard at the moment due to this. Then also the fact that my computer hasn't been working for 2 weeks....!! But luckily it is now! Anyway I went to see Rebecca St. James in Cardiff yesterday and it was so amazing. She's such a special signer and to see her live was just awesome. And guess what? I got to meet her too and I spoke to her and got a picture with her ;-) It was really cool as I love her music and she's such an inspiration to so many people. She doesn't come to Europe much but is starting her tour around many countries in Europe including: Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Norway! Today she was at the Ultimate event at Alton Towers which would have been really good but I had tennis for school....!

If you haven't heard any of her albums I recommend them, and virtually all of the procedes go directly to her charity which does loads of work in Africa. I won't post many more posts in the next few weeks, as my first A-Level exam is next week..... Also Skinner if you read this, get well soon, I'm glad the operation went well, and can't wait to see you again, we all missed you at the CU ;-)


  • Yeah I was pretty happy having a pic with Rebecca ;-) Especially since she's one of my favourite singers. It probably sounds like I over reacted but it was pretty good ;-)

    Smith: What a FANTASTIC experience, it was so FASCINATING seeing her!

    By Blogger Luque, at 3:27 PM  

  • heya, glad u had a gd time lol her album is reli gd! hope all ur exams go well! good luck! i had my mocks last week hope i did ok...anyways how r u? luv debz xxxxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:10 PM  

  • Hey Debz,
    Yeah it was good! What album of hers do you know? My first exam is on Friday so I've been busy preparing for should be okay as it's Geography and I don't mind that. Did you have your mocks last week then? I hope you get good results! When do you go on work experience?

    I'm fine, well except for having to work, lol. Next week we are going to St Ives which will be a good break... What have you been up to?

    Speak to you soon! Blessings, Luke

    By Blogger Luque, at 8:25 PM  

  • Heya,
    how did ur exam go if uv had it? im sure uv dun reli well! Have you finished all your exams now? Thanks, i hope i've done ok too! lol.
    I did my work experienc last week, it was a bit borin coz there wasnt anything for me to do ut i got free treatment: 2 facials and a back massage! lol so that was a good thing about it!
    I havn't really been doin much except for work experience. I sang and played piano for the youth service we do at my church on sunday which was good otherwise I've not done alot! What about you?
    Glad you're ok! Hope you all have a great time at St Ives!!!
    Take care! God bless, love Debz xxxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:46 PM  

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