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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Abdul Rahman could face the death penalty for turning to Christ. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM

An Afghanistan man detained for converting to Christianity could face the death penalty if he refuses to become Muslim again, police and a judge in Kabul said on 19 March.
Abdul Rahman was detained two weeks ago after his relatives reported to the police about his conversion which is forbidden under Islamic law (shari'a).
"Yes that's true: a man has converted to Christianity. He's being tried in one of our courts," Supreme Court judge Ansarullah Mawlavizada said, adding that his trial began early last week.
The trial judge also described Mr Rahman's conversion as an attack on Islam.
Mr Rahman, who is 41 years of age, was found carrying a Bible and was charged with rejecting Islam.
Judge Mawlavizada said Abdul could face the death penalty if he refuses to revert to Islam as shari'a law mandates capital punishment for any Muslim who forsakes Islam or converts to another religion.
Afghanistan's constitution states: "No law can be contrary to the sacred religion of Islam."
If sentenced, Abdul will be the first to be punished for conversion since the ouster of the Taliban who introduced and implemented tough shari'a law.
Benjamin Sand reports for Voice of America:
"The court has ordered a delay in the proceedings to give Rahman time to hire an attorney. Under Afghan law, once a verdict is given, the case can be appealed twice to higher courts.
"This is the first case in which the defendant has admitted to converting and is refusing to back down, even while facing the death penalty.
"If convicted, the case could ultimately force President Hamid Karzai's direct intervention.
"The president would have to sign the papers authorising Rahman's execution, a move that could jeopardise Mr Karzai's standing with human rights groups and Western governments.
"So far, President Karzai has not commented on the case.
"But political analysts here in Kabul say he will be under significant pressure from the country's hard-line religious groups to make an example of Rahman."
The hardline Taliban regime was toppled by a US-led invasion in late 2001 for not handing over Al-Qaeda chief, Osama bin Laden, wanted for the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States.

This upset me a lot, how can this possibly happen? You hear about persecuted Christians, but you don't hear many stories like this. How can it be a crime to turn to Christ? He has done nothing to offend his country. Our country excepts all religions, but they can't except anything but Muslims, it is so not fair. These extremist Muslims are affecting our world, and they need to stop. I think this is definetely to do with the Taliban. I know there are other parts of the world where Christians are seriously persecuted, but this is terrible. Please keep Abdul Rahman in your prayers, as he really does need our support. Our God will keep him safe, but he needs our prayers. May God keep him safe.


  • Your quite right Luke, according to recent government reports it is the taliban responsible for such an atrocity in Afghanistan, and unfortunately Abdul Rahman's situation is looking pretty bleak.
    But according to Sharia law, no one is allowed to convert to other religions. There was a situation where one man in Iran converted to Zionism, and within 2 weeks he was beheaded under Sharia law.
    Its a sad situation here can a man who wants to convert to the greatness of Christ be persecuted? Doesnt everyone have the right to choose their own religion? Obviously not under Taliban rule.
    Lets hope he is delivered from this persecution, even if it does look unlikely in such a backward, hatred-filled country.

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 8:33 PM  

  • the way, what also disturbes me is that a recent government poll conducted showed that 40% of ALL muslims within the United Kingdom want sharia law within their communities! What is to become of our great nation?....

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 8:34 PM  

  • Thanks for the comment Skinner. I know it is unbelievable that a person in this instance Abdul Rahman can possibly even face the death penalty for being a Christian. Apparently it's caused outrage with our country and in particular Germany, with both of our countries now in crisis talks with Afghanistan. Especially since we are sending out 5,000 troops there in the summer. Many of whom our Christians, and if they can't practice their faith, then surely we don't want our army there. As they might persecute our Army.

    I'm hoping the situation will be resolved, as I'm sure most Christians are. If you look on it will have this and other stories of persecuted Christians. And this Sharia law sounds terrible, and if they want the law in Britain, then I think we should act accordingly and stop immigration of any chance of an extremist Muslim coming here.
    Catch you latter,

    By Blogger Luque, at 6:40 PM  

  • Hey Julia!
    Yes I have heard of Opendoors. I think it is a great organisation. I found out about it after reading the Brother Andrew book: Light Force, and God's Smuggler. Have you read them? Well they inspired me, and in Light Force for example Brother Andrew went into Palistine during the intifada to help the Christians who were being persucuted. He also met with Arafat, and wasn't scared at all. Anyway I think Opendoors is great at letting people know which Christians are being persecuted, and so people like us can keep them in our prayers.
    Hope your weekend is going well,

    By Blogger Luque, at 1:28 PM  

  • Yet again folks, God has delivered, cos Abdul Rahman is free!!!!
    News this morning said that he has been released thanks to US attorneys, so he will NOT face the death penalty.
    Good old God, i knew he wouldnt let old Abdul down. =)

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 8:56 PM  

  • I know it's so great, Abdul is going to be set free! And look what he's done for the Christian community by standing up for his faith! This will surely help other persecuted Christians! It shows how much God cares and how he listens to his people. However if God thought it was right for him to die, because of standing up for his faith it would have happened. But Abdul's purpose must be different. Anyway all we can do is say thank you to God! It's a miracle Abdul has survived, praise God!

    By Blogger Luque, at 6:06 PM  

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