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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Devoted - Abundant Life

Hey everyone!! Just got back from Cornwall, and had to show you some of my pictures from Devoted, as this was such an awesome conference!!!! I'd never been to Abundant Life before, but had always been interested in it because of the t.v, my Mum also had one of their old albums, but I didn't expect it to be this good! I went with my friend Stuart's youth group, so we took the mini bus up to Bradford and stayed in a near by hotel. There was so much packed into the 2 days, and so much worship all to God! There were thousands of people there, it was so cool! Anyway I will talk you through the pictures....

This is RPM!! They are the Abundant Life's youth band, and they are so cool. I'd never really heard them before, but if you've ever listened to Hillsong United, then they are similar to them, but a bit louder! They put so much into everything, and you couldn't help but go a bit crazy for God with some of these songs, like Live God Loud ;-) I liked them so much that I had to buy their album and have listened to it loads.......;-) It's called I surrender All and I recommend it to anyone!

This is some of the youth group, with Stephen, Stuart, Penny and Stuart's parents. There was also Beth, and Becky, but they were sat somewhere else.

This is Replenish, who did a rock concert in the evening, and again they were very good! They were different to everyone else, as their music was loud, but I like most music, and this was no exception. They were even staying in our hotel...!

This is Tim Hughes, who was one of the guests of the conference! He was such a great speaker, and his songs are so inspiring. This picture was of one of his seminars about song writing, and he was showing everyone, how he changed a song a lot using Giver of Life as an example. I can't wait for Soul Survivor now in the Summer as he leads that too....;-)

Had to get one of me at Abundant Life ;-)

This is outside the church, and you have to admit it has a pretty cool entrance! The church is almost in the city centre, and looks sort of out of place, but it's doing so much for Bradford. On the site they have two massive building, one for the services and conferences and the other for the youth. They are also building a Champions Centre in the city, so that they can reach more and more people, this project is huge and the costs are very high, but how much is this church making a difference?!!!

Anyway this was a long post, but I wanted to give a good idea of the whole church. I really want to go to Rock Nations this summer, this is their youth event, where RPM record their album....and many other youth/rock bands go to. Last year Hillsong United went! I'm also considering joining them on a year basis through an internship, as I spoke to some people who are doing this already and it sounds such an awesome experience. I can't do it jsut yet because of University, which is a bit annoying as I'd have considered a gap year for this......but after University watch this space ;-) Hope everyone is having a great holiday, and please do ask questions about Abundant Life, and I'd love to reply! It would be really cool to hear from some of you ;-) Speak to you soon!


  • LUKE BOY!!!
    Whats happening butt? Hows your hols going so far? Mines gone pretty crap really....but thats for another time.
    Pretty ******* cool what you did last week...believe it or not iv heard of RPM before (cant remember where though...but i have heard of them). Apparently they're a really good band, so you never know...they maybe next on my Christian music experiment list. =)
    Hope your enjoying the holidays, and remember....REVISE REVISE REVISE!!! Iv calculated it, and we've only got 5 more weeks left at Monmouth......YEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Cant ******* wait to get outta there.....summer freedom!!!
    Anyway, keep on rocking my friend...ill speak to you soon.

    The Pope

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 10:12 PM  

  • Hey Skinner! How's it going?!
    Yeah RPM are pretty cool, some of their songs are your style, you should check 'Throw myself into you' and 'Live God Loud'!!
    To be honest I haven't done much revision, I know it's not like me! But I've been really busy and have been away for most of the last week. I'm going to do a lot week, but I also have my driving theory test in just over a week so I will have to revise for that......

    I hope your revision is going well! Did I tell you I managed to get sunburnt on the face? Well I did in April!! And my nose has peeled...!! Anyway enjoy the rest of the hols, and keep in touch!!
    Catch you latter! Luque

    By Blogger Luque, at 6:30 PM  

  • Hey Julia!
    Yeah Abundant Life is awesome! If you ever have a lot of time in the UK, you have to check it out! They are on TV on the God channel here, maybe they are on TV in Germany....? They do local missionary work in their city and church, and that's what I want to do now, well I can't do it for a few years, but I'd like to do it ;-)

    I hope Spain goes really well! Have fun in the sun ;-) Me and Tom have just played tennis, and I'm really I'm think I'm going to relax for a bit!
    Speak soon!

    By Blogger Luque, at 6:34 PM  

  • Hey Luke! Your blog's really cool! You gotta lot of good stuff on here! Abundant life looks amazing! Anyways i've got to go now, was good speaking to ya tonight. Take care. Be blessed. Love Debz xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:04 PM  

  • Hey Debz!
    Thanks for the comment, hope you and your family have a good Easter! And would be cool if you checked my site out from time to time!

    By Blogger Luque, at 12:06 PM  

  • Hiya!
    How are you? My brother's gig thing i was telling you about last night was awesome!!! Would have been really cool if you lot were there!
    Have a great Easter and enjoy the rest of the hols!
    Hope you and your family are all well, say hi to them from me.
    God bless,
    Love debz xxxx ps i will try and check out your site as much as possible, it's got really good messages on it! x

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:35 PM  

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