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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Here comes the Summer.....

Since the clocks have now gone forward, and we have an extra hour of sunshine in the evening, I had to put some pictures from the Summer up! It's also only a week until the Easter Holidays begin, how great is that? ;-) What are you guys all doing in the holidays? Firstly I'm going up to Abundant Life Church next weekend for a conference, it's a worship leading one, where people like Tim Hughes and Peter Wilson are at. I will probably put some pictures on at some point in the holidays. Then I'm going straight on to Cornwall and staying there for a week. Hopefully the weather will be warm, and then I can sunbathe on beach before doing some surfing ;-) The rest of the holidays will be mainly doing revision work for the exams, as they aren't too long away, with my first being towards the end of May....!

It's Mother's Day today, and me and my brothers gave my Mum Pride and Prejudice! It was quite a good present as we really wanted to watch it becuase Keira is in it ;-) Also Reading got promoted to the Premiership yesterday, how cool is that! It was on the main news all day, and on the front of quite a few papers today ;-) Now Man U and Chelsea can quake when they have to play us next year ;-)

Anyway it would be cool to hear what people are up to in the holidays, hope everything is okay!


  • Yo Luke dogg hows things? As you already know, the Pope is a little ill right now so i am writin this comment in the comfort of my own warm bed with a screaming headache and a mouth which tastes like ash....mmm...lovely. =)
    Anyway, sounds awesome that your going to Cornwall i the hols....lucky bugger. The nearest place im going come End of term is my living room, cos all ill be up to is revision. Sucks royal i know. =) Still, anything to get into Cardiff!!!
    Hope your keeping well. I think i may actually brave coming into school tomorrow, ill warn you though: i am pretty contagious, so bring your gas mask.
    Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend, and imay see you tomorrow. Hope CU on Friday went good too. =)
    The Pope of Pontypool.

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 8:53 PM  

  • I'm going to Spring Harvest :-) look after a fourteen-month-old baby :-S

    And then I'm off to the hotbed of excitement and entertainment that is Bournemouth... but I get to see my lovely boyfriend so it's worth putting up with the nothingness of life outside of London.

    All in all I'm home for about three days, which is the best kind of holiday!

    Much Love


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:16 PM  

  • Skinner man, wasssuuuppp?! Isn't is rubbish having two economics tests in one week? Well at least school is over in 2 days, and then the holidays begin ;-) And you know you said you felt ill the other day, well I think I'm going down with what you have :-(
    Cornwall should be cool, I'm staying with my Aunt and Uncle who I haven't seen for a while so it will be good! I know what you mean about revising, I will still have to do a lot down in Cornwall, I have hard grades to get too for Southampton. I will revise a lot, and yes CU was good, there was a massive turn out including the girls, it was crazy! But of course good that our unions get on well again!
    Speak to you soon

    By Blogger Luque, at 5:55 PM  

  • Julia,
    Yeah I know Cornwall is cool, and I hope I can go swimming and the sun is shinning, although if the weather continues like it is at the moment I doubt that will happen :-( Have a great time in Spain, that's really cool you are going. Is that with your school?
    Speak to you soon

    Hey it's cool to hear from you. What's the Spring Harvest? Doesn't seem like you are at home a lot! I'm not to begin with, but then it will literally just be revision :-( Have fun in Bournemouth! I know I do Geography but I have no idea where that is, except that it is by the coast!

    By Blogger Luque, at 6:00 PM  

  • Spring Harvest is the big Christian conference Soul Survivor but for families and (sadly) held at Butlins. It was a brilliant week with some great teaching and equally great bands.

    Bournemouth is at the bottom in the middle, just west of Southampton and the Isle of Wight. It's really quite dull but there's a beach so hopefully there'll be sunshine too.

    Hope you're enjoying the break.

    Much love,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:38 PM  

  • Hey Tay

    I know what the Spring Harvest is now, thanks for the low down! I heard about it up at Abundant Life, as Replenish one of the bands there, were performing at it. I may have to check it out next year.... But why at Butlins?!!

    I'm a bit ashamed to say that I didn't know where Bournemouth is, especially since I'm going to Southampton Uni, which from what you said is just next to it....!!!! I think my map skills need to improve! Hope you're having nice weather so you can go on the beach, have a good Easter.

    By Blogger Luque, at 6:53 PM  

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