Salvation is here!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Hey!!! Sorry there's been no blogs for a while!!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I've not updated my site at all recently! I've had my A-Levels in the last few weeks hence I've been really busy. Although it's good now as I've doen 9 out of 11 exams, and the ones so far have gone well, so I'm really happy ;-) This week I've had six exams, which is alot, and to remember everything can be hard. Economics was hard, but to write for that long a period is so hard.....!!?! I have a break before my next exam on Monday which is another Geography one.

The World Cup has been pretty good, and a good distraction from work. England have won both of their matches, although not very convincingly, but with Rooney back we will be a force to be reckoned with. I still think we can win the World Cup, as I think we do have the best team ;-) No other team has played that amazing so far, so I don't think we'd be worried about playing any team, the only ones I think we are afraid of are Brazil and Argentina, and Argentina we have beaten twice in our last two matches, so we have a good chance!

Apart from work I have been up to other things. At half term our family and Howard went down to St Ives for a few days. It was a really great few days and was when the weather started to change. We had a lot of fun there, and Howie was really after the girls, look at Amy to the left of him ;-) Lol, we mayed quite a few friends, and Howard learned to play the Stranger of Galilee!!!!We played a lot of football down there, but I wasn't really brave enough to swim!! Also in half term we had a Singstar battle on the playstation which was very funny, and I'm sure Howard can remember singing 'Born to be wild!'!! ;-)

I will be doing many more posts now, I know I have 2 more exams, but they are spaced out and I have more time now. I've got Kutless' new album, the 'Hearts of the Innocent' and it is amazing, Skinner if you are reading this you will love it, it is their best yet, and loudest ;-) Also now only 6 weeks to camp....not long ;-)

Anyway please do comment, it will be cool to hear what people have been up to. Also come on England ;-)


  • I think i may have to have a dig at that album Luque! Ill be downloading that in due course (legally of course). =)
    Anyway, pretty cool that you've nearly finished your exams, i got three left (one this monday infact)....not looking forward to it, but its God's decision to how well i do im hoping i will get the results i want. =)
    By the way, i checked out that sky channel and its pretty good....some rock on Christian tunes on there so ill be tuning into that more often now.
    Anyway...catch you later!
    The Pope

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 12:58 PM  

  • Hey Luke! How have you been? Hope your last exams go/went well! I am loving the world cup so far!!!! Terry's save in our last match was amazing!!! lol Rooney and Lennon made so much of a difference to that match!! Great game, i love the world cup and i hope we win :D lol. Anyways hope ur ok! Take care now, God bless, love Debz xxxxxxxx o yeah and im hopefully gettin baptised soon!!!:D:D:D xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:41 PM  

  • Yo Ponty! The album is awesome, but you should buy the proper one as you get a dvd with it which has 7 Kutless videos on, so it's pretty awesome ;-) I think the sky channel 370 is awesome, you shud defo be tuning into it!! Although sometimes it does do softer songs, you wanna look out for dynamite, as that's when most of the rock songs are on!! But they are on at other times too.

    I've got an exam on Monday too in Geography, when's yours, mines in the afternoon. After that it's a week off before the final ever exam in Economics ;-) Any news on the CU bbq?
    Catch ya latter

    By Blogger Luque, at 1:02 PM  

  • Hey Debz! I'm alright! My last few exams have gone well which is a relief, the only ones I have found hard are in Economics, but that's because you just have to write non-stop for almost 3 hours.....!!! How's things going?

    Yeah England has been good. I think they haven't played that great but things can only get better with Rooney ;-) Crouch is a legend and shows how good the Liverpool players are, just look at Gerrard too! I'm sure we'll beat Sweden, and then hopefully we'll avoid Germany in the second round. I think we can win the world cup as we are good enough!

    When are you getting baptised? That's cool. Anyway speak to you soon, blessings

    By Blogger Luque, at 1:06 PM  

  • Yeah ive checked out the channel 370 and it does look pretty damn good, especially with that show "Dynamite"....looks like they got a good line up there. =)
    Havent heard anything about the CU BBQ yet, what date were they thinking of hosting it? Not sure if i'll go yet, especially as Smithus is inviting some Priest dude (not sure if my spiritualist views will go down well in that environment)!!! =)
    My next exam is on Thursday, but how did your exam go on Monday? Hope it all went good.
    Catch ya later,
    The Pope.

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 11:22 PM  

  • Heya, sorry i've taken a while to reply! things are going good thanks, how you doing?
    did u watch the england v equidor match today? i don't think we played that well but we still won so i'm happy with that!! lol i hope we win not sure we will but who knows lol.
    I'm not sure when i'm going to get baptised it depends really on my vicar because i want to get baptised by immersion but our church doesn't have a pool so i've got to try and pursuade my vicar to let us hire one. Also my vicar won't do it in the usual service as it apparently might offend some people because our font is supposedly very special to some people which i don't really understand but never mind! lol. I would actually prefer to have it in the evening of one of our youth services so i'm not bothered by that! It would be really good if you lot came but i know it's a really long way to come so thats ok but if you wanted to you would all be very welcome to come along. I hope it will be soon but i can't see it happening until after the summer as we had our last youth service tonight until september which went really well!!
    Anyways i hope you and all you're family are doing well! God bless, take care, love Debz xxxxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:15 PM  

  • Hey Debz,

    Hows things going? That's okay you didn't reply for a while, I forgot to reply to you so I'm just as bad! Yes of course I watched England, I know we didn't play great but Beckham is a legend ;-) Are you excited about our match against Portugal? I am, I hope we can show the world why we are the best as so many people have criticised us. I think England will win, I hope so!! What do you think? Come on England!!! ;-)

    That's cool about your baptism! What denomination is your church? I'm sure we'd all love to come but of course it depends on the day due to the distance to where you live....!! But let us know.

    I'm so glad my exams are over it's so great not having to do anything...! I love the holidays!! I'm looking forward to going to Southampton Uni next year, see that's closer to where you live isn't it, I could come to your baptism then, well maybe I don't know!

    What you been up to?
    Speak to soon!

    By Blogger Luque, at 7:31 PM  

  • Hey Luke!

    How you doing? Things have been going really well for me recently (well apart from today, i wasn't feeling very well and was getting stressed over my coursework but otherwise everything is good!)

    i can't believe we're out of the world cup now!!!!!! :( hoped we would win but we didn't...oh well lol. It's a shame the world cups only every 4 years i always get well into the worldcup lol. Who do you reckon will win it?

    I go to Church of England lol. i'm hoping that i will get baptised in a holiday so that i can get all my friends to come although quite a few probably won't come anyway so it doesn't really matter when it is all depends on my vicar really. Yeah hopefully you could come then because i doubt i'll be baptised before next year. That will be really cool when you go to uni you'll have fun! Well i hope you will lol.

    I've not been up to much really accept school and meeting up with friends lol oh yeah i got my hair cut as well on friday lol. Last night i went to soul survivor watford with my youth group, it was really good! On the way home there was an accident on the motorway and nothing was moving so we all got out and where dancing, singing, running, everything on the motorway was really funny! We made a human pyramid and stuff was so cool! We all got into a group huddle and prayed in the middle of the motorway as well so we did do something serious while we were waiting lol. i'll have to send you some pictures if you like?
    Anyways what you been up to?

    Hope you are ok! Take care, God bless, love Debz xxxxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:49 PM  

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