Salvation is here!

Friday, September 29, 2006

The painter, and the creator!

I came across this quote and really liked it so I'll share it:

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling 'darkness' on the wall of his cell..."

This was by C.S.Lewis, and it's so amazing isn't it. How great is God's glory, no one can lower it!!!

Anyway my week has been pretty good. I now have a job, with Howard!! Lol. We're working at my house doing painting and decorating, for my Father. I'm quite tired now, but it was fun. We got a lot of paint over us, and Howard was lucky not to get a roller on his head, it missed him by less than a metre! Also he had a pretty cool white streak in his hair yesterday ;-) But we're getting a lot done, today I was filling in walls, which was a good experience!

Anyway have a good weekend and week!
God bless you all!


  • Yo Luke man whats happening bro! Hope things are going good for you, things over in the big US of A are going pretty smooth at the moment, so nothing really to report on as of yet.
    Tell you what is really good out here though is the Theology coure im taking! I think someone religious like you would really enjoy it, cos it shows all the alternative aspects of the bible that you probably would never even consider! Really interesting (for instance, di you know Jesus wasnt actually born on Christmas day)? I know.....that was a bit of a shock to my system too. =)
    Anyway, email me some time bro and let me know how the new job is going (sounds like your having fun anyway). =)
    Adios amigo!

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 2:39 AM  

  • Yo Luke man whats happening bro! Hope things are going good for you, things over in the big US of A are going pretty smooth at the moment, so nothing really to report on as of yet.
    Tell you what is really good out here though is the Theology coure im taking! I think someone religious like you would really enjoy it, cos it shows all the alternative aspects of the bible that you probably would never even consider! Really interesting (for instance, di you know Jesus wasnt actually born on Christmas day)? I know.....that was a bit of a shock to my system too. =)
    Anyway, email me some time bro and let me know how the new job is going (sounds like your having fun anyway). =)
    Adios amigo!

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 2:39 AM  

  • Hey Skinner man!!
    Cool to hear from you. Things in good old England are pretty cool too. Did you see the Bears beat the Seahawks at the weekend?!! We hammered them 35-6, and they were unbeaten and in the Superbowl last year! Seriously I think we have a very good chance of winning this year.
    That sounds cool the Theology course, that's what my bro wants to do. I did know about Christmas, because I've had a sermon on it in the past!! It's because the day fitted in well for everyone really.
    My new job is cool, I'm enjoying it! I've learned how to do lots of new things, the plastering is fun. I now don't have Howard helping, that didn't last long, so I have a lot to do, but then that means I have plenty of work in the forseeable future.
    My German lessons are rock solid, I'm in an advanced one as that was all that was available. I'm getting better but it is freakin hard ;-)
    Anyway catch ya latter bro, it would be cool to hear from you!

    Tschuss und bis bald! (that's cya and speak to you soon in German, but I can't do the characters!)

    By Blogger Luque, at 1:25 PM  

  • Hey Luque!
    To improve your german, you can read a german comment now ;D

    Ich freue mich, dass du und Howard Arbeit habt, die euch Spass macht.
    Mir geht es im Moment sehr gut. Gestern Abend hat unsere Jugendgruppe einen Lobpreis-Abend veranstaltet, der war ziemlich gut.
    In einer Woche fangen hier die Herbstferien an, darauf freue ich mich schon. Habt ihr Herbstferien?
    Gottes Segen!

    If you got any questions just ask. I might have used some words that you can't konw, I'm not sure :) byebye

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:45 AM  

  • Hallo Sarah!

    Wie geht's?
    Mir geht's gut aber ich bin mewde. (sorry I can't do Germany characters or should I say es tout mir leid!)

    I understood bits of what you said, although my German isn't that great yet. If you could translate it then I could see how much I knew!

    Anyway hope all is fine. I very busy at the moment working, but I'm enjoying life!
    Bis bald!

    By Blogger Luque, at 1:35 PM  

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