Salvation is here!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Soul Survivor 06

Hey there!
I know I said I'd do this a while ago, but have been busy, but finally I had some time to write about SS. It was a really cool week, and was as good as my expectations were if not better. There were over 10,500 people there, so a lot, and we all had two meetings a day in this massive outside tent called the big top, it's the biggest in Europe. Here Tim Hughes and other really big worship leaders would lead the music for about 45 minutes before a talk from Mike (SS leader) or someone else including guest speakers like Brother Andrew!! He was amazing, and his talks were so inspiring for everyone, and he was defintely my highlight of the week.

We camped again, which is a bit crazy over LA, and the weather was okay except for some massive thunderstorms at night..... Also Simeon from camp was really close to where we camped so we spent sometime with him and his youth group which was cool. In the evenings there was so much to do. You could go to a gig, which on some nights were awesome. My favourite band was OnehundredHours who were amazing!!!! Other options included sports, cafes with live bands, Mr Boogies (you should ask Jonathon about that ;-) ) and generally just things to enjoy doing. It was mainly youth there, so everyone was around our age so that was really cool, although we didn't go as a youth group when most people did so it was hard to meet new people. I really can't wait to go again next year. Anyway if you want to ask any questions about it please do, I'd love to talk about it. And if you didn't go this year you should really consider it for next year. Hopefully the pictures below will give you some more ideas about what it is like!!
Be blessed


  • WAHEY SOUL SURVIVOR!!!!!!!!!!! loving the pictures, brought back some memories!!! lol i loved it there so much! i can't wait til next year! i'm going to be doing two weeks at new wine working with my friend and her family and then straight after ss with my youth group so i'm going to be there for three weeks without going home! I'm so excited!! I met so many people at new wine that were at ss which was really great and we plan to see them again next year too!
    Anyways how are ya?
    Hope you're well!, God bless!!
    love Debz xxxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:18 PM  

  • Hey Luke man!!! Just so you know im out in the states right now, live from Connecticut! Its well cool out here, and i can actually watch the new American football season at 8pm at night (and not the usual 1am in the morning)!!!
    Anyway, congrats on getting your place at University, bet your well pleased, and thats so cool your taking a gap year too! Good on you. What you thinking of doing? Either way, you'll have a kick as time no doubt!!!
    Anyway, keep in touch if you can, and ill hopefully speak to you soon (perhaps on MSN messenger some time)?
    See you mate!

    By Blogger James.R.Skinner, at 2:37 PM  

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