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Monday, November 13, 2006

We need to stick together to make a difference

Hey everyone! As you probably know I support Reading! Anyway we went to watch them at the weekend as a present for my birthday (which is tomororw) against Tottenham (Spurs). It was a fantastic match, and the best live match I've been at. Spurs were on 10 games unbeaten before the match, and we'd lost 5 in a row! Spurs are one of the best teams in Europe too, so to see the players for them was great. For example Robinson (England keeper), King (England defender), Dawson (England defender), Lennon (England midfield player), Defoe (England striker)... the list just goes on really.

We went 1-0 down to a penalty, which Robbie Keane scored, but after that we played great, and won 3-1. The best goals for Reading were Shorey's (hit from outside box), and Doyle's (a quality finish!). It was a record attendance for Reading too, at 24,110, and was shown on tv, so all in all it was a pretty good day.

I've had a good week really, I passed my driving test last week, yay! I'm now insured on my mum's picasso! I also spent time with my youth group, we went on a prayer walk on Saturday, around our town praying for different streets, which was fun. Our nation is so much need of a revival, and it's down to our generation to do something about this. And by continually praying for your town, and area, and country it's one way of helping to make a difference. We need to do this together though. Christians, like snowflakes, are frail, but when they stick together they can stop traffic (quote from Vance Havner). It's so true too, as together we can make a HUGE difference! Think about that! This also links in with the football yesterday as Reading could so easily have lost, but they played like a team, whereas the better team Spurs didn't look out for each other as much, and their team work wasn't as good. I know it's not a great example, but one individual could not win it for Reading, the whole team had to win it. And I think it's like Christianity, in that one person can make a tiny difference, but put that one person in a team, and the impact they can make can be dramatic. Us Christians need to stick together!
God bless

Enjoy some of the pictures from the match yesterday!:

Doyle celebrating with fans after scoring
Sidwell scores past England's number 1 keep Robinson!
Kingsley our mascot seems pretty happy! Shorey after scoring an amazing 25 yard goal to make the game 1-1

Friday, November 03, 2006

Life from God's eyes

Just something to think about. How do you see your life? What are you living for?

After thinking about that, try to see life from God's view. As the way you view your life is very important as it shapes who you are. And how you define life determines your destiny.

I came across these 3 ways to view life, that do help us to live life for God's glory.

Firstly life on earth is a test. It is the warm up for eternity. We don't know the tests God gives us, but the most important test is how we act when we can't feel God's presence in life. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says ' God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.' How great is that!

The second view is tat life on earth is a trust. As remember God gave us our time on earth and our energy, intelligence, opportunites, relationships, and resources as gifts with he has entrusted into our care! Therefore we are stewards of God. Therefore we never really own anything during our time on earth, it belongs to God! In Luke 16:10 it says 'Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones'. So remember worldly wealth is nothing compared to the true riches we will be trusted with in heaven.'

Lastly life on earth is a temporary assignment. Our time on earth is extremely brief compared to the time we will spend in eternity. The earth is not our permanent home, or our final destination, it is like living in a foreign country. The verse from 2 Corninthians 4:18 says ' So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'!

I got these from a chapter in the book a Purpose driven life. I wrote them in much cut down versions, but it is a great book and I recommend it! Just looking at these views, if we were in God's position we we be happy with how we were living our lives. It made me think a lot, and it is does the same for you. As we are not living for earthly praises or riches, we are living for heavenly gifts and eternal praises from our Father and creator!