Salvation is here!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Check out TOBYMAC's video for "Gone"! I found this and had to put it on my blog! TobyMac is one of the biggest Christian artists in the world and used to be in DC Talk. This is off his new album Diverse City and has reached the top in the charts in America, showing his popularity! Anyway if you've never heard him, now you can ;-)

TOBYMAC - "Gone"

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Rebecca St. James in Cardiff!!!

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't put many posts on recently, I've been very busy with exams, and school is hard at the moment due to this. Then also the fact that my computer hasn't been working for 2 weeks....!! But luckily it is now! Anyway I went to see Rebecca St. James in Cardiff yesterday and it was so amazing. She's such a special signer and to see her live was just awesome. And guess what? I got to meet her too and I spoke to her and got a picture with her ;-) It was really cool as I love her music and she's such an inspiration to so many people. She doesn't come to Europe much but is starting her tour around many countries in Europe including: Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Norway! Today she was at the Ultimate event at Alton Towers which would have been really good but I had tennis for school....!

If you haven't heard any of her albums I recommend them, and virtually all of the procedes go directly to her charity which does loads of work in Africa. I won't post many more posts in the next few weeks, as my first A-Level exam is next week..... Also Skinner if you read this, get well soon, I'm glad the operation went well, and can't wait to see you again, we all missed you at the CU ;-)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

A new look on the Lord's Prayer

I came across this on the Internet, and it made me think, and I'm sure it will make you too. It made me realise that sometimes maybe we think there's nothing more we can do as Christians, but there is, and we all need to think hard about we can imporve. I thought this extract on the Lord's prayer really helps to put things into reality.

I cannot say OUR if I live only for myself.
I Cannot say FATHER if I do not endeavour each day to act like His child.
I cannot say WHO ART IN HEAVEN if I am laying up no treasure there.
I cannot say HALLOWED BE THY NAME if I am not striving for holiness.
I cannot say THY KINGDOM COME if I am not doing all in my power to hasten that wonderful event.
I cannot say THY WILL BE DONE if I am disobedient to His word.
I cannot say ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN if I will not serve Him here and now.
I cannot say GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD if I am dishonest or seeking things by subterfuge.
I cannot say FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES if I harbour a grudge against anyone.
I cannot say LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION if I deliberately place myself in its path.
I cannot say DELIVER US FROM EVIL if I do not put on the whole armour of God.
I cannot say THINE IS THE KINGDOM if I do not give the King the loyalty due him from a faithful subject.
I cannot say THE POWER if I fear what others may do.
I cannot say THE GLORY if I am seeking honor only for myself.
I cannot say FOREVER if the horizon of my life is bounded by the things of today.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Prom!

Hey everyone, I found these pictures on my old schools website site, and thought you'd enjoy them. My days at Lakers were sure funny ;-) They are from my year 11 leavers prom, and that was now 2 years ago, that's crazy as it only seems recent....! I don't go to school with anyone from Lakers anymore, so it was weird seeing them again. I still see people from there but not many, it made me realise you have to make the most of current situations as they don't last forever. For example next year I and many others will be off to University.... and everything will change. But of course with God he'd never put you in a situation you couldn't cope with ;-)
This me, Muzza and Fraser who arrived in a Silvershadow, which was pretty cool. And yes Fraser is a guy..... although it can be seen as quite long.... ;-)

This is Owain on the left, who's of course my friend and I still see him, he was on camp last year for anyone from Lee Abbey! Miss Wiltshire is on the right, and was our legendery Science teacher, lol, anyone from Lakers would know what I mean ......!

Me and Muzza, looking pretty cool ;-) Lol, I know my hair looks pretty different, but then again you wouldn't recognise Muzza anymore. Muzza's still one of my best mates!

Some of the girls from my year, I still see Nicky who's second from the left as she plays tennis in my squad on Wednesday's. Sasha at the front on the right was my prom date, she's pretty cool, although I haven't seen her for a while. The others I haven't really seen except for talking online!

This was the best photo I found, and yes it's Miss Wiltshire and Owain again ;-) And yes Owain has his hands on his head, and I have no idea why. It's probably because Miss Wiltshire just turned him down for a dance at the end ;-)

Hope you enjoyed these, I enjoyed seeing them ;-)