Salvation is here!

Friday, February 24, 2006

We got so involved in the Winter Olympics at home, that we created our own curling pitch! Okay so it's not quite a proper ice one, it was our kitchen floor, but we still had the brush (our kitchen broom!!), the target, and some stones (well boules really!). The reason for this was that our team GB was doing really well in the curling, with our men's getting to the semi's, although sadly we lost. We were getting so into it, that we had to try it out! So come the next Olympics, watch out for me and my brother, we will be practicing! ;-)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

We need good friends

Our happiness and proper functioning as people depends on us having others that we can meet who who we feel we can relate with. We are not meant to be alone.

For people who are not socially confident, or who have been wounded by past friendships or relationships, it can be hard to break through the fear of getting hurt again, and reach out to make friends. It is wise to be emotionally guarded when making friends. However, we cannot always protect ourselves from getting hurt. In the end, even good, long standing friends can betray us, use us or badly let us down in other ways.

In friendship, it is important to be realistic. People are not like God, and in their imperfection, they are bound to let us down in some way. We should expect this, and be cautious about how much we trust others, particularly at first. If we have lower expectations, we are less likely to be disappointed. We must place God as our security, so that if and when we are let down, we do not loose heart or become despondent in life.

We need to understand what friendship is really about. Good friendship is not selfish or exclusive. Many people have friends as mere extensions of their own selfishness. They need friends to fill time, to amuse themselves and to feed a type of self idolatry. However, such people live in sin by abusing the gift of friendship. Friendship is two-sided and mutual. It should also look to the needs of others, and welcome, those outside a friendship group in. Selfish friendship tends to be exclusive, existing within an established social group and selfishly not allowing others to participate.

So the people we are friends with now do affect us, and our lives, remember how important friends can be. I'm glad I have good friends;-)

Friday, February 17, 2006

I thought these pictures were quite funny! And since it's the weekend, we can take time off from work, to have a laugh ;-)

That's going to surely hurt!! I wouldn't want to be the cat, or infact the wasp!!

Hey, who said cats can't play American football?! This one's going into the draft for next year ;-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I thought you'd like this!

You probably know, that yes I do like videogames! At times I can play quite a lot on them, and well Ive come to the conclusion that maybe this isnt a good idea. The other weekend I didnt have too much homework, so I decided to play on my psp on virtua tennis. I really like this game, and I dont know why but I didnt pay attention to the time. Suddenly my left thumb started hurting and I realised Id been on for over 3 hours! This was bad enough, but being on a psp it was even worse. Even though it is a portable console, it's not designed to be played on for long periods (well that's my opinion), and the thumb stick after a while can get unconfortable. Anyway my thumb was really sore and I had to stop playing, and when it was really sore still the next day, I knew Id done some damage to it! I think that Id sprained as it swelled and I couldnt put any pressure on it. The only lucky thing was that it was my left hand not my right, as I dont think my school would take this as a great excuse for not being able to write ;-)

Still though videogames are fun, but Ive learnt not to play for too long a time, as injuries are possible. You've been warned ;-)

Friday, February 10, 2006

St Valentine's Day!!

Well this day happens every year, and do you know what I never knew why! So I checked it out, and learnt the history behind it.

The actual history of Valentine's day is shrouded in mystery along with its patron saint. St Valentine's Day today contains vestiges from both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. The Catholic Church infact recognizes 3 saints by the name of Valentine.

One story is about Valentine who was a priest that served during the 3rd century in Rome. When Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than thos with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. Although when this was found out he was sentanced to death.

Valentine sent the first Valentine greeting, because when he was in jail he feel in love with a young girl, who was the jailer's daughter. Then just before he was put to death he wrote a letter to the girl and signed it 'From your Valentine'! So there you go!

Here's a really stupid fact too. Every year 192 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making it the second-most popular greeting card, only behind Christmas cards. And also nearly 60 % of all Valentine's Day cards are purchased in the six days prior to the day!!

Anyway thats enough of me being silly! Happy Valentine's Day next week, lol ;-) I still don't really understand why we celebrate it, when there's no proper story but hey! ;-)

Winter Olympics!

Well the winter Olympics start today in Turin! I just love sports so couldn't pass this event by without commenting. Britain's not even very good at winter sports, infact in the last games we won only one gold! But still we have a chance of doing better this time, well I hope....I also found out in the paper toady that it was the British who created most of the Olympic sports, such as down hill skiing, bobsleighing, figure skating, so it's quite ironic that we are one of the worst countries at it. I suppose we don't have any snow, ever, and the temperatures here are around 10 degrees, so very mild, while the rest of Europe is freezing.

I decided to show some pictures of some actual snow, and some possible future gold medalists at sledging! ;-) Also one picture was of the actual Olympic headquarters in Lausane where there is a really big Olmpic museum.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I thought you'd all like these pictures of Hillsong London, Ive been trying to put them on, but they haven't worked until now! They are from the Dominion theatre, and the one of the speaker is Brian Houston!

Anyway hope everyone is well!


Monday, February 06, 2006

Hey Everyone!!

Well it was a very tiring week last week, but this is a new one, and a fresh start!!

Went to Hillsong London last week!! This was my second time there, and it was amazing! If you dont know who Hillsong are, they are a Church based in Australia, and in particular try to focus on youth, although there are different services. In Australia, they have massive services infront of thousands of people, and they just had to bring it over to England! The one in England isnt quite as big, but is held in the Dominion theatre, which can still hold a few thousand people, so in that respect it's quite big! It's quite funny really because they dont actually own the theatre, so during the week it's used for the show 'We will rock you' and then on the weekend it's Hillsongs. They have to move though in the Autumn, and still havent found anywhere, but hopefully they will be able to get their own Church. Anyway the services are really lively, and they have their own youth band, which do some of their own songs, and some of Hillsong Australia's. If you also didnt know Hillsong does a lot of music, and releases a lot of albums, and in Australia they are so popular that their last album got to number 1 in the main charts!! Hillsong London have done their own albums, and their last one Natasha Bedingfield did a lot, and is very good!

Anyway the music is awesome, with everyone jumping up and down, and since most of the congregation is youth its very lively. It's just great to see this generation going to Church, and enjoying it. Of course its not just music, and last week Brian Houston was the guest speaker. They often have guest speakers, for example Joyce Meyer was one back in September. Brian Houston is the main pastor of the Hillsong Australia Church, so he's pretty much in charge! He is an amazing speaker and really capitivated the crowd, saying how we must unite together if we are to make a difference. Gary the London pastor who normally speaks, spoke a bit, before some more music! They have such a packed year this year, with Hillsong United coming over in June to Wembley Arena, which is going to be unbelivable as its free and thousands of people can fit in there, also Delirious? are coming again along with many otheres! So if you are ever in London on a Sunday you know where to go ;-) There's 3 services throughout the day and they last for a couple of hours, and well worth going to ;-)

Hope everyone is well! What have you lot been up to? Howard, I agree fully with your comment on the Delirious? post, and thanks for sharing that!

Au revoir